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Q&A Form Submission Form
The Creator's Club ™ - LIVE Q&A (October/November)
Trademark Question: Is it wise to pick up a trademark that someone else seemed to abandon?
Business Formation Question: Would it be better to create another entity, subsidiary, or just roll it into the existing business?
Contract Question: When schools (who license with us) create materials that work with our curriculum, should we be the middleman for those to be sold to other schools or should we let the schools sell directly to other schools?
Contract Question: We will be forming a business referral network where we will create packages for our clients with services from multiple companies. How can we legally protect ourselves with this idea?
Trademark Question: Do you conduct comprehensive searches as a stand alone service?
Trademark Question: If you company name is not trademark can someone else use it?
Business Formation Question: Do I need to register a remote business in the new state we moved to?
Copyright Question: How do we protect course material?
General Question: Can we hire you to be our attorney?
Contract Question: Should you use an NDA with any and all third party vendors (i.e. web designers, etc.) while building your brand and securing a registered trademark?
Trademark Question: Is there a way to monitor any trademark infringement?
Contract Question: If you sign an Indemnity Agreement, does that mean you are locked into working with that particular company (i.e. if working with a bonding company)?
Business Question: If provided corporate handbook with corp policies, does CLF review and provide feedback of those company policies such as affirmative action, sexual harassment, at-will, etc.?
Business Formation Question: How should I best structure the 501(c)3 arm of my business?
General Question: Do we get contractions help in the club or a discount to the store for that purpose?
The Creator's Compass™ (Video) August Overview
The Creator's Compass™ (PDF)
The Box Reveal
The Creator's Compass™ (Video) September Overview
About this course
- $97.00 / month
- 25 lessons
- 3 hours of video content